A minimized footprint
Let’s be frank! All manufacturing consumes the planet's resources, so does ours. We do believe however that Arctic Legacy can do more good than bad to this industry and be a fresh driving force in the slow fashion movement. To lead by example and encourage all stakeholders in the value chain to take the necessary steps towards a more sustainable future.
As a startup, we have the benefit of not having to change old structures but rather choose the right path directly. With sustainability as the guiding principle, it’s quite easy for us to apply sustainable practices at every decision point throughout our operations and we’re committed to making a difference. We could soon expect policymakers around the globe to start imposing regulations on this industry, speeding up this positive and much needed change. To team up with the right, most forward-thinking partners & suppliers is therefore our number one priority.
We don't claim to be perfect but we have high ambitions and are learning and improving as we go. Below are some examples of key initiatives we believe have a great instant impact on the planet. Feel free to give us feedback, criticism, credits or just ideas on how to improve this further. sustainability@arcticlegacy.store.